Get Faster Workout Results (4 Tactics)

Have you ever been frustrated over a lack of results from your workout routine? If so, you are in good company. Even the most seasoned athletes experience times when their results plateau. When you continue to put in the same effort day after day with little or no results it is safe to say that you’ve hit your own fitness plateau. Your body adapts quickly to any repetitive routine. The definition of ‘insanity’ is to do the same thing...

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Your Flat Abs Plan

Your Flat Abs Plan

One of the most frequent questions that I’m asked is, “How can I get great abs?”  You may have pondered this question at some time or another.  Many people are frustrated by their stomachs, to the point of giving up after doing dozens of crunches with zero improvement. It’s time to forget everything you’ve heard about how to sculpt your abs.  Quite simply, crunches alone won’t give you a six pack. Doing crunches with the hope that it...

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Is Being Fit Even Worth It? (Fit Life vs Flab Life)

There’s a perfectly sane explanation as to why most people say they want to be fit, and yet only a very small percentage actually are fit. Most of us, instead, are firmly cemented in the Flab Life rather than the Fit Life. Why is this? Because the Fit Life is hard. Want to know just how hard it is to lose the flab due to full immersion into the Fit Life? Here’s a glimpse into the Habits of Being Fit: Fit Habit#1: Exercise Daily The...

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7 Ways Strength Training Will Change Your Life

You get married. Have a baby. Move across the world. Start going to night school so you can get a degree. All of these are life-changing events that make you a different person. But did you know your life can change significantly just by spending some time strength training? That’s right—if you’re willing to commit to strength training, your life will change significantly in seven ways. Here they are. Change #1: Toned This one’s...

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Why You Should Exercise: 7 Major Benefits

Why You Should Exercise: 7 Major Benefits

So many people today are struggling to find motivation. It’s tough to find the motivation needed to get out of bed and into workout clothes. It’s even tougher to find the motivation to stick with a healthy eating plan. The chaos of 2020 is taking its toll on our minds and bodies, but there’s a way out. If you’re struggling to find motivation to get to exercise, allow these seven reasons to inspire you to get moving… Exercise Because...

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21 Motivating Reasons to Exercise Regularly

21 Motivating Reasons to Exercise Regularly

Today I’m writing to motivate you to take action.  I understand the frustrations that you have when it comes to your body. I know all about your insecurities over the size of your thighs and how hopeless that can feel. The answer to your body frustrations is to get you up off the couch and into the gym, day after day. So here’s my pep talk in bullet form—21 rewards that you will gain from regular exercise. Do yourself a favor and...

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No Time to Workout?

The number one reason why you don’t exercise is that you don’t have time.  At least that’s what you tell yourself.  I know we are all busy. Between getting to and from work, balancing responsibilities and having time for yourself, there’s little left over for workouts. With summer in full swing your busy schedule is sure to get even busier. There will be vacations, cookouts and family gatherings. It’s no wonder that exercise quickly...

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How to Love Exercise

Here’s how to turn exercise that you’ve dreaded into something you enjoy… 1) Block the Negative: Your thoughts play a big part in determining your favorite things. Block out any negative thoughts you may have about exercise. Focus your energy on creating a positive attitude that will get you excited about hitting the gym, rather than dreading it. 2) Focus on the Benefits: With exercise you have so much to gain and nothing to lose....

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