Best Exercise Ever

It’s always interesting when a client asks me to pin down a single exercise as the one that will help lose the most fat or sculpt the quickest. I’m always slow to answer. You see, I’m acutely aware of the fact that though an exercise may be perfect for Client A, it may not be the best choice for Client B—which makes me hesitant to label any exercise as the universal best. That being said, there are exercises that are...

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Does that hurt? Exercise injuries prevention…

Can you relate to this scenario? After putting it off for too long, you commit to get fit—only to find yourself injured the minute you start working out. All of the sudden your fitness goals go back on the shelf and you are left to deal with the pain. Whether your injury occurs right off the bat or after years of regular workouts the result is always the same. It is discouraging, painful and downright depressing. And since studies...

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Move Your Whole Body to Burn Fat

Activities that require the coordination of your entire body, such as jogging, swimming, and the elliptical trainer, burn more calories than stabilized activities, such as a stationary bike. For maximal calorie burning, choose resistance and cardiovascular exercises that use your entire body.  

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Do You Believe These Fitness Myths?

Some fitness myths just won’t lay over and die. These fibs are passed from one person to the next, a little piece of misinformation setting you up for failure. Maybe you’ve heard some of them… There’s the one myth about situps melting off your belly fat.  I’m sorry folks, spot reduction is a myth. You’ve got to burn fat from your body as a whole unit. Then there’s the one that says that the faster you perform an exercise...

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The Many Forms of Strength Training

Resistance training, also known as strength training is no longer limited to dumbbells and barbells. Each of the following are new ways to challenge your body with resistance: Kettle bells Medicine Balls Exercise Bands Weight Machines Body Weight Training

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5 Fitness Myths Debunked

5 Fitness Myths Debunked

You can’t believe everything that you hear when it comes to fitness. Not if you want to see results. There are 5 bogus rumors going around about strength training that will derail your results if you let them. The truth is that strength training is one of the absolute best things you can do for your health and appearance. And if you’ve fallen for these 5 myths then you’re missing out on tremendous potential results....

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6 Best Exercises To Shape Your Booty

6 Best Exercises To Shape Your Booty

Here’s the email that you’ve been waiting for – everything you need to know to shape up your booty in time for swimsuit season. Here are the 6 Best Exercises for Your Booty: BEST Booty Exercise #1: LUNGE An amazing exercise that targets the muscles of your butt, thighs, and hips is the lunge. Putting one foot out in front of the other, lower your body toward the ground, keeping your abdominals tight and your torso...

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Obsessing About Weight Loss Negatively Affects Results

Obsessing About Weight Loss Negatively Affects Results

You obsess about your weight, you “decide” and repeatedly tell yourself you’re going to lose weight, but in the end you cannot control your weight. Do you disagree with this statement? Ok, go stand on a scale and decide to lose 5 pounds. How did that work out for you? Did your bodyweight drop on your command, or did it not budge? Nope, it didn’t budge. Here’s the point… You spend your precious time...

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