Be A Fitness Role Model

kids need role models

Your kids need strong, positive role models.

Who’s watching you?

Getting fit and healthy is an individual journey.

It takes focusing on yourself, your choices, your progress, and ultimately your results.

And so it’s easy to be fooled into thinking that it’s all about you.

Sure, it is about you, but at the same time, each and every choice that you make, and action that you take, is being noticed by someone.

Who’s watching you?

Your kids.

Kids care very little about what we say.  They will wait for you to finish talking and will then take note of what you do.

Are you following the advice that you give?

If You Aren’t Leading By Example, You Aren’t Leading At All

Do your kids see you living a fit and healthy lifestyle? Remember that it matters very little what you tell your kids about how to live a healthy lifestyle. Your kids will be influenced MUCH more by what they see you do in your own life, rather than what you tell them they should do in theirs.

It’s never too late to start modeling fit and healthy habits for your kids. Start today! Lace up your shoes and go out for a hike, a trip to the gym or for a family workout at the park.

Who else is watching?

Your partner, your friends, your co-workers, your parents, your siblings, your neighbor…

We are all in this together, so the next time that you are tempted to throw in the towel on your quest for a healthier, fitter, happier, BETTER you, remember those eyes watching you.

When you aren’t strong enough to stick with it for you, stick with it for them.

If you’re ready to take your fitness to the next level, I’m here to help.

Call or email me now to get started on a fitness program that you will be proud to accomplish.

Let’s do this together!

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Author: Bob Thomson

Bob Thomson is a Personal Trainer, boot camp instructor and weight loss expert specializing in total body and health transformations. Utilizing many years experience in the field of fitness, nutrition and peak performance, Bob has helped dozens of clients lose weight, get fit and healthy and squeeze the juice out of life.

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