Read This Before Making New Year’s Resolutions

Read This Before Making New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! Before you move forward to set new resolutions for 2020, let’s take a moment to look back and reflect on your results in 2019. Did you accomplish your goals this past year? (YES or NO) 

If “NO” then answer these 5 Questions for insight into your failure.

 1️. Were your goals clearly written down and reviewed regularly? If you’re ambiguous about what you are setting off to achieve then it will never culminate in...

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Do you really want to be fit?

Do you really want to be fit?

Do you ever give up what you want MOST for what you want NOW? Think about it… If what you want most is to lose the weight—once and for all—but then you give in and order pizza for dinner, you’ve just given up what you want MOST (a healthier, leaner body) for what you wanted NOW (convenient and comforting food). It’s worth thinking about. Are your actions congruent with your goals? This is true of any goal, it’s not limited to...

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Be A Fitness Role Model

Be A Fitness Role Model

Who’s watching you? Getting fit and healthy is an individual journey. It takes focusing on yourself, your choices, your progress, and ultimately your results. And so it’s easy to be fooled into thinking that it’s all about you. Sure, it is about you, but at the same time, each and every choice that you make, and action that you take, is being noticed by someone. Who’s watching you? Your kids. Kids care very little...

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How to CRUSH a Fitness Challenge

How to CRUSH a Fitness Challenge

One of the best ways to make a dramatic improvement in your body and your fitness level is to participate in a challenge. It is a chance to take a hard look at where you currently stand with your weight and conditioning, and to set a goal with an end date for making big changes and progress. It’s your opportunity to produce really impressive “before” and “after” photos. Do you have what it takes to stick with a challenge all the way...

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Bad Eating is Totally Mainstream

Bad Eating is Totally Mainstream

I heard you cheat… …on your diet. We live in society where food temptations are everywhere. Walk through a store and you’ll see the unhealthy food items displayed front and center. Turn on the TV and you’ll be assaulted with commercials for fattening foods.  Open a magazine and you’ll notice glossy pin-ups of sugary snacks. Go down the street and you’ll have restaurant signs clamoring for your attention. In addition to the...

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Get Santorini Fit

Get Santorini Fit

The Greek island of Santorini, located in the southern Aegean Sea, is home to breathtaking sunsets and cliff side towns with narrow, cobbled streets. It is currently one of the top tourist destinations in the world, hosting millions of visitors each year, with only 15,000 permanent residents. Those permanent residents are easily distinguished from tourists. Just look for the most agile and lean, moving swiftly through the...

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How To Keep It Off (5 hot body secrets)

How To Keep It Off (5 hot body secrets)

It takes dedicated hard work to drop a significant number of pounds. But afterwards it’s incredibly easy (and frustrating!) to find those pounds creeping back on. Maintaining fat loss is certainly possible, however it does require that you remain vigilant with your healthy routine. Here are 5 secrets to maintaining your amazing body transformation for life. Think of these as your own personal lifestyle rules and stick with them at...

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The Bad Week

The Bad Week

Once in a while you are going to have a bad week. Your nutrition will be off, your workouts will be weak, and your head will not be in the game. That’s OK. Remember that you are human, and that sometimes your body needs a little break. The key is to take care of yourself in that moment, to not let yourself stray too far off your fitness plan during the time of rest, and to then get yourself back on track next week. Many people allow a...

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